12 Health Benefits Of Fermented Garlic & Easy Recipe.

So you’ve heard of fermented garlic and now you want to find out what are the benefits of fermented garlic. You’ve come to the right place, because here you will find out everything you need to know and snap a simple recipe down the bottom, so you can give it a try yourself. 

If you’re looking to boost your immune system, improve gut health, and enhance overall well-being, fermented garlic might be your new best friend. The health benefits of fermented garlic are vast, and incorporating it into your daily diet is a great way to support your body naturally.

Fermented garlic is not just some new hype; it’s a natural remedy that has been used in traditional medicine for centuries. The fermentation process transforms raw garlic into a more potent form, enhancing its antioxidant properties and making it easier for the body to absorb its beneficial compounds. 

As someone passionate about promoting clean and healthy eating for longevity, I can’t wait to share why this simple ingredient deserves a spot in your kitchen. 

fresh garlic

1. Fortifies Immune Defenses

Fermented garlic is packed with immune-boosting properties that help ward off illnesses, especially during the flu season. The fermentation process enhances the garlic’s natural compounds, making it a powerful ally against sore throats and other common ailments. Incorporating fermented garlic into your diet can be an effective way to keep your immune system strong and resilient.

2. Enhances Digestive Balance

The beneficial bacteria produced during fermentation are excellent for gut health. These good bacteria aid in digestion and help maintain a healthy balance in the digestive system. By consuming fermented garlic, you’re not only enjoying its nutritional benefits but also supporting your gut’s ecosystem, which is crucial for overall health.

3. Promotes Cardiovascular Wellness

Fermented garlic has been shown to improve cholesterol levels and support heart health. Its antioxidant properties help reduce oxidative stress and protect the blood vessels from damage. Regular consumption can lower the risk of heart disease, making it a great addition to a heart-healthy diet.

4. Regulates Blood Sugar Levels

For those concerned about blood sugar levels, fermented garlic can be beneficial. It helps regulate glucose levels, reducing the risk of diabetes and supporting metabolic health. Adding fermented garlic to meals is a natural way to help manage blood sugar, contributing to better health outcomes.

5. Combats Oxidative Stress and Inflammation

The antioxidant properties of fermented garlic are significantly enhanced through the fermentation process. These properties help combat free radicals and reduce oxidative damage in the body. Additionally, fermented garlic possesses anti-inflammatory properties, which can alleviate inflammation and support overall well-being.

6. Supports Healthy Blood Circulation

Fermented garlic aids in improving blood circulation by promoting the dilation of blood vessels. This can be particularly beneficial for those with high blood pressure or those taking blood thinners. By supporting healthy circulation, fermented garlic contributes to improved cardiovascular health.

7. Provides Antimicrobial and Antifungal Benefits

With its antimicrobial properties, fermented garlic can help fight off harmful bacteria and viruses. It also has antifungal properties, making it a versatile ingredient for maintaining health. These properties make fermented garlic a natural remedy for various infections and a valuable addition to your health regimen.

8. Offers Nutritional Value and Culinary Versatility

Fermented garlic is not only beneficial for health but also versatile in the kitchen. It can be used in salad dressings, marinades, or as a flavorful addition to dishes. The nutritional value of fermented garlic is enhanced, providing essential amino acids and vitamins like vitamin C. Its pungent smell mellows through fermentation, making it a great way to enjoy garlic without the intense aroma of raw garlic.

9. Provides Anti-Cancer Properties

Fermented garlic may help inhibit cancer cell growth, offering potential protection against certain types of cancer. Its antioxidant properties play a crucial role in this benefit.

10. Aids in Detoxification and Liver Health

It aids in detoxifying the body and supporting liver function, contributing to overall health. This detoxification process helps eliminate toxins and supports the body’s natural cleansing mechanisms.

11. Supports Anti-Aging and Skin Health

By reducing oxidative stress, fermented garlic can improve skin health and slow the aging process. Its antioxidant properties help maintain youthful skin and reduce signs of aging.

12. Enhances Mental Health and Reduces Stress

Fermented garlic can enhance mental health by reducing stress and potentially preventing cognitive decline. Its beneficial compounds support brain health and may lower the risk of Alzheimer’s disease.

Simple Fermented Garlic Recipe.


  • 2 cups of fresh garlic cloves (peeled)
  • 1 tablespoon of sea salt (or kosher salt)
  • 2 cups of filtered water (room temperature)
  • Optional: a few sprigs of fresh rosemary or thyme for added flavour
  • Optional: a pinch of red pepper flakes for a spicy kick


  • A clean mason jar or any glass jar with a tight-fitting lid
  • A fermentation lid or airlock system (optional but recommended for best results)
  • A small weight to keep the garlic submerged (a clean stone or glass weight works well); otherwise, you can place a small cup on top of the garlic to keep it submerged.


  1. Prepare the Garlic: Peel the garlic cloves and ensure they are clean and dry. If using, rinse the herbs and pat them dry.
  2. Fill the Jar: Place the garlic cloves into the jar, leaving about an inch of space at the top. Add the optional herbs and red pepper flakes if desired.
  3. Make the Brine: In a separate bowl, dissolve the sea salt in the filtered water. This saltwater mixture will serve as the brine for fermentation.
  4. Pour the Brine: Pour the saltwater brine over the garlic cloves until they are fully submerged. Use a spoon to gently press down the garlic to remove any air pockets.
  5. Weigh Down the Garlic: Place a small weight on top of the garlic to keep it submerged in the brine. This helps prevent mold and ensures even fermentation.
  6. Seal the Jar: Secure the jar with a lid. If using a fermentation lid or airlock, follow the manufacturer’s instructions to set it up.
  7. Fermentation Process: Store the jar at room temperature, away from direct sunlight. Allow the garlic to ferment for at least two weeks. During this time, gently shake the jar every few days to mix the contents.
  8. Check for Readiness: After two weeks, taste a clove to check for the desired flavour. The garlic should be slightly tangy and mellow. If you prefer a stronger flavor, continue fermenting for up to a month.
  9. Storage: Once fermented to your liking, store the jar in the refrigerator. The cooler temperature slows the fermentation process, preserving the garlic’s flavor and health benefits.


  • Fermentation Lids: Using a fermentation lid or airlock helps prevent spoilage and allows gases to escape, reducing the risk of botulism.
  • Flavour Variations: Experiment with different herbs and spices to create unique flavour profiles. You can also add a splash of balsamic vinegar or olive oil for a richer taste. These ingredients could add more to the health benefits of fermented garlic.
  • Usage: Fermented garlic can be used in salad dressings, marinades, or as a flavourful addition to dishes. It’s a great way to enjoy the health benefits of fermented garlic while adding depth to your culinary creations.

Enjoy the benefits of fermented garlic and the flavour it delivers to your dishes!

FAQs about the health benefits of fermented garlic.

What does fermented garlic do for your body?

Fermented garlic offers numerous health benefits. It boosts immunity, supports heart health, and aids digestion. The fermentation process enhances garlic’s antioxidant properties, helping to combat free radicals and reduce inflammation in the body. It may also help regulate blood sugar levels and improve cholesterol profiles.

How often should I eat fermented garlic?

While there are no strict guidelines, consuming a small amount of fermented garlic daily can be beneficial. Start with one or two cloves per day and adjust based on your tolerance and health goals. As with any supplement, it’s best to consult with a healthcare professional for personalized advice.

Is pickled garlic good for gut health?

It’s important to differentiate between pickled and fermented garlic. True fermented garlic is great for gut health because it contains beneficial bacteria that support digestion. Many store-bought pickled garlic products use vinegar, which can inhibit fermentation and the growth of good bacteria. A very small amount of vinegar (no more than a teaspoon) is okay, but too much will hinder fermentation. For the best gut health benefits, opt for garlic fermented with salt or a little honey instead.

What happens when you drink garlic every day?

Consuming garlic daily, whether eaten or in a drink form, can provide various health benefits. It may boost immune function, reduce inflammation, and support heart health. Regular garlic consumption might also help lower blood pressure and cholesterol levels. However, moderation is key to avoiding potential side effects like bloating or gut discomfort.

Can too much garlic damage the liver?

There’s no strong evidence suggesting that garlic directly damages the liver. In fact, garlic is often considered beneficial for liver health due to its antioxidant properties. However, excessive consumption of any food, including garlic, can potentially cause digestive discomfort. As with any dietary change, it’s best to consume garlic in moderation and consult a healthcare provider if you have concerns.

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