how to lose weight and keep skin tight

How To Lose Weight And Keep Skin Tight: 10 Best Tips.

Hey there, Youthful Warriors!

This came to my attention: While many of my clients are excited about their new weight loss achievement, they are a bit disappointed at what this has done to their skin and muscle tone. So, today, I’m excited to share 10 tips to help you learn how to lose weight and keep your skin tight.  

Whether you’re just starting your weight loss journey or have already shed a few kilos, I’ll do my best to help you navigate this process.

I know that loose skin can be an unpleasant effect of weight loss, especially around the arms, tummy, or bum. While we may not be able to completely reverse the effects of drastic weight loss in some cases, there are effective ways to improve your skin’s elasticity and firmness along the way.

With some dedication and the right strategies, you can enhance your appearance and boost your confidence throughout this journey.

So, let’s get into it together—some of these tips might surprise you!

But if you had to pick just two to focus on for now, lifting weights and collagen rich protein like organ meats and bone broth, would be the ones that move the needle the most towards tighter skin and overall muscle tone.

10 Essential Tips on How To Lose Weight And Keep Skin Tight

So, how do you lose weight and keep your skin tight? The key lies in a balanced approach that combines healthy eating, regular exercise, and proper hydration. Here are 10 essential tips to help you on your journey:

1. Embrace Slow And Steady Weight Loss.

Aim for a loss of 0.5 to 1 kg per week. This gradual approach gives your skin time to adjust, helping to minimize the appearance of loose skin and allowing for better skin elasticity. Rapid weight loss can lead to excess skin and sagging skin, so remember that slow and steady wins the race!

If you’ve experienced a significant amount of weight loss, you may notice that your skin stretches and doesn’t bounce back as easily. This is particularly common after bariatric surgery or other weight loss surgery procedures. Understanding the causes of loose skin can help you set realistic expectations for your body.

2. Calculate Your Daily Calorie Needs.

Use online calorie calculators to determine your daily calorie needs and reduce your intake by no more than 25% of those calories.

For instance, if you exercise 3-4 times per week and your calorie needs are around 2000, then try to drop it down to around 1500-1600. This will put you into a calorie deficit and allow you to start losing weight in a steady manner. Here’s a good one you can try from

Be prepared that from time to time you might plateau, this is normal, keep going, don’t give up.

This moderate calorie adjustment is a good way to lose weight without starving yourself and sacrificing your muscles. Crash diets are like that friend who convinces you to stay out for “just one more drink” – tempting in the moment, but you’ll regret it later! Instead, focus on whole foods, balancing your protein, fats and carbs.

3. Nourish Your Skin From The Inside Out.

Eating the right foods can make a world of difference to both your weight loss journey and your skin’s elasticity.

Incorporate skin-loving superfoods into your diet, such as:
Fatty fish (salmon, mackerel, barramundi, sardines) – packed with omega-3s for skin health and collagen production.
Avocados – nature’s moisturizer in a delicious green package.
Nuts and seeds – full of vitamin E and healthy fats that promote skin firmness.
Colorful fruits and veggies – antioxidants galore!
Lean proteins – the building blocks for firm, healthy skin.

Additionally, consider adding collagen supplements to your routine. Collagen plays a crucial role in maintaining skin elasticity and firmness, especially as we age.

Foods like bone broth are also excellent sources of collagen and can support your skin’s structural support.

Woman preparing healthy lunch

4. Drink Up And Drink Some More.

Water is your skin’s best friend. Aim for at least 2 litres a day. If plain water bores you, try infusing it with some fresh fruit or herbs. My personal favourite? Lemon and mint – it’s like a spa day in a glass! Staying hydrated not only helps your skin but also supports blood flow and overall health. Proper hydration can also aid in the production of elastin fibers, which help maintain skin’s elasticity.

5. Get The Heart Pumping.

Engage in cardio exercises 3-4 times a week. Think brisk walking, swimming, or dancing around your living room to your favourite tunes. Anything that gets your heart pumping! This will not only help you lose weight but also improve your cardiovascular health. Regular physical activity is vital for maintaining muscle tone and combating excess fat.

Consider incorporating facial exercises into your routine as well. While they may not directly contribute to weight loss, they can help tone the muscles in your face, improving the overall appearance of your skin.

6. Lift Those Weights - This Is A Biggie!

Strength training 2-3 times a week is crucial for skin health. Here’s why;

Lifting weights or using resistance bands helps build lean muscles, which can fill out excess skin and give you that toned look you’re after.

Also, did you know that resistance training helps reduce inflammatory factors, enhancing dermal health (that’s your skin’s health)? How cool is that? Now, I bet you’re motivated to pick up those dumbbells if you weren’t before.

Weight training is for everyone, no matter your age or health condition. The beauty of resistance training is that it can be adapted to any ability and strength level.

Speaking Of Resistance Or Strength Training...

Get my free guide on how to get started on your strength training journey. Learn essential tips to make the most of lifting weights and resistance exercises. 


7. Try Yoga or Pilates.

Include yoga or Pilates 1-2 times a week to improve flexibility, reduce stress, and enhance your overall body awareness. While these practices are fantastic for your well-being, remember that they should complement your strength training routine, not replace it.

Alternatively, you can add a few mobility exercises taken from these practices. 

8. Prioritize Protein Intake.

Aim for about 1.2 to 2 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight daily. For a 70kg woman, that’s about 84-140 grams of protein per day. Protein is essential for muscle repair and growth. Include protein-rich foods like Greek yogurt, chicken, tofu, and protein shakes in your meals. Think of protein as the construction crew for your muscles – they need a steady supply of materials to get the job done!

9. Practice Progressive Overload.

To keep building muscle, you need to keep challenging your muscles. This is called progressive overload, and it’s the golden rule of strength training. If you always lift the same weight, your muscles get comfortable. They’re like, “Yeah, we’ve got this, no need to change.” But if you gradually increase the weight or the number of reps, your muscles go, “Whoa, this is new! We better step up our game!”Here are some ways to incorporate progressive overload:

  • Increase the weight you’re lifting, even just by a small amount.
  • Add more reps to your sets.
  • Decrease rest time between sets.
  • Increase the number of sets.
  • Slow down your reps to increase time under tension.
weight training woman to tighten loose skin

10. Don’t Forget Rest and Recovery.

Rest is not just for the lazy! It’s during rest that the magic of muscle-building really happens. When you’re sleeping or relaxing, your body is hard at work repairing and building those muscles.

Here are some tips to optimize your rest and recovery:

  • Aim for 7-9 hours of sleep per night.
  • Include rest days in your workout schedule.
  • Try active recovery like gentle yoga or a leisurely walk.
  • Don’t skimp on post-workout stretching.
  • Pushing yourself too hard without proper rest is like trying to drive a car with no fuel – you’ll end up stalled on the side of the road!

Celebrate Every Victory.

As we wrap up this chat, I want to remind you of something important: celebrate every victory, no matter how small. Did you choose a piece of fruit over a biscuit? Celebration time! Did you complete a workout when you really didn’t feel like it? You’re a superstar!

This journey is about becoming the healthiest, happiest version of yourself. It’s not about achieving perfection or looking like someone else. Your body is unique and beautiful, and it deserves to be treated with love and respect.

So, my strong and youthful friend, are you ready to embark on this journey of weight loss and skin tightening? Remember, I’m right here with you, cheering you on every step of the way. We’ve got this!

Do you have any questions about weight loss or skin tightening? What’s your biggest challenge? Drop a comment below – I’d love to hear from you and continue this conversation. 

Until next time.

Frequently Asked Questions.

Can you you keep your skin tight while losing weight?

Yes, you can help keep your skin tight while losing weight. Strength training and collagen intake are crucial factors in maintaining skin elasticity. However, genetics and the rate of weight loss also play significant roles. A gradual approach combined with these strategies can yield the best results.

Will losing 20kg cause loose skin?

Losing 20kg may cause loose skin, but it’s not guaranteed. Genetics influence skin elasticity, and by following the tips in this article—especially strength training and collagen intake—you can minimize the risk of sagging skin during your weight loss journey.

Can you ever tighten loose skin?

Building muscles can help reduce infamation in the skin and improve skin tone. Also HIFU treatments are a popular option for non-surgical treatments of loose skin. You can do HIFU on all of the body.

How long does it take for skin to tighten after weight loss?

Everyone’s skin elasticity is different. It depends on genetics and collagen levels in your skin and connective tissue. Building muscles can help speed up the process significantly. It can take up to 6 months for the skin to bounce to it’s best shape. Keep in mind it may not be able to completely tighten back to what it was before the weight gain. 

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